Featured Member: tiffa34


Where are you from and/or where do you live? What do you do for a living/are you a student?

I’m an Australian currently dividing my time between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, working as a graphic designer and part time student.

How did you start sewing?

I first began making things like clothing and accessories when I was in primary school, however I’d always been creative and loved to draw and create things from an early age.

I never really had any lessons in how to sew so my skills were quite limited, as a result I’d try to make things with as little sewing as possible! I forgot about sewing for a while throughout high school and the start of uni, and only really got back into it last year. Before then I’d never put in a zip or sewn a button hole! Luckily my mum has some knowledge in these areas so she was there to help me out if I didn’t know what I was doing. Although my sewing is still far from perfect, I’ve been learning a lot, and have been proudly wearing more and more things I’ve made!

Tiffany and her older brother long before her sewing days!

My favourite project at the moment would probably be my sailor top. I love cute fabrics and it was a lucky find at only one dollar in an op shop! There was fortunately just enough to make the top, and once it was done, I just had to make a red skirt to go with it! It’s always lovely getting compliments on things I’ve made, and especially good when I can say it only cost me a dollar to make!

Stripey Bow Top and Sailor Top

Try to describe your personal style in 5 words or less!

While it is constantly evolving, at the moment I’d probably describe my style as girly, fun, nothing too serious.

Kimono Tee with Lace

Do you have a style icon who inspires your sewing projects? Where do you go to get inspired?

I don’t really have a style icon I look up to, I tend to get inspiration more from what I see online, what I see people wearing in the streets, clothes in op shops, garments other people like me have made, anywhere really! This site has been great for that as there are constantly new projects being posted, and a wealth of creative and talented people who are kind enough to share their creations.

I also like to look on sites such as ModCloth as they’ve always got lots of lovely dresses to be inspired by. Another favourite is Spoonflower as they have a lot of awesome and quirky fabrics. I also have a bit of an obsession with floral at the moment, like these floral shoes in the picture!

Op shops, ModCloth.com, Spoonflower, Peter Pan Uniform Blouse by uepsillon, floral shoes from Top Shop

What time of year do you find yourself most creative?

I don’t know if there’s a certain time I’m more creative, but I certainly get more things done during holiday times when I’ve got more time to myself. Although having said that, the lead up to Christmas usually has me thinking about what gifts I can create for family and friends, which is a lot more fun than buying things from shops.

What’s your sewing experience like?

I don’t really have a sewing space per se, I just have things scattered about the house, with the sewing machine in the laundry. I generally sew during the day, on weekends or if I have a day off. I usually need this extra time as I tend to get distracted while sewing, so projects sometimes take a little longer than they should!

Warhol Soup Can Skirt

What is your dream sewing project?

At the moment the next thing I’d really like to do create a garment using fabric that I’ve designed myself. As a graphic designer I haven’t designed a lot of patterns in the past, so it will interesting to come up with an idea and use it to create a repeating pattern, and then see how that translates to an actual item of clothing. If it turns out well I’m may end up using custom fabric for many projects!

How long have you been a member of BurdaStyle?

I’ve been a member since June 2009, and probably started visiting a fair bit around March 2010, and didn’t post my first project until June. Seeing other members’ creations definitely inspired me to get back to sewing, and to try things that I might have been a bit daunted by otherwise. It’s also great to be able to easily access patterns, and to see how other members have interpreted them in their own ways. It’s certainly more inspiring for me than buying a pattern from a shop and only seeing the one outcome on the packet.

Pink Tablecloth Dress

What is the most frustrating thing about sewing for you? What is the most rewarding?

It can be frustrating when something doesn’t really turn out the way you’d hoped, or doesn’t end up fitting how you would have liked it to fit. Also it can be a bit frustrating when you accidentally cut a hole where there shouldn’t be one, when you’re not far from finishing the garment (yes, I did this)!

One of the most rewarding things is being able to create something that no one else has, in just the right fabric and in just the right style, and to also be able to create something you want but can’t find in the shops. It’s also a pretty good feeling getting compliments, especially from strangers!

Check out tiffa34’s top ten member slide show!

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