Featured Member: mixtlii


1. Where are you from and where do you live?

I was born in Paris, but I grew up in Normandie and then in the south of France. I live now in Montpellier. I am a 4th-year medical student, and I love it! But I am afraid I’ll soon have to pause sewing, because it demands more and more studying…

Snapshot of a young Mixtlii

2. How did you start sewing? What’s your favorite project in your BurdaStyle studio?

My favourite project is Marlène in the 50s, the dress I made for the party through the decades competition. I was pretty amazed with the result! When my Grandma gave me her white dress, I wondered what could I make with it, and I came up with that project. And a few weeks later, the competition started! A great coincidence!

Marlène in the 50s

3. Try to describe your personal style in 5 words or less!

Either preppy and feminine or comfortable!

Mixtlii’s “Unusual Blouse With Lavallière – Remnants”

4. Do you have a style icon who inspires your sewing projects?

My principal source of inspiration is BurdaStyle. All the projects are so diverse, it is fantastic! Apart from that, I like watching collections from ModCloth, BCBG, Anthropologie, NYDresses and Shabby Apple. And movies from the 50s!

Mixtlii’s Inspiration Board

5. What time of year do you find yourself most creative?

Summer is much better than Winter. Summer clothes are prettier and easier to make! Apart from that, the Christmas/Birthday/New Year time is a great occasion. As well as my prom (February).

6. What’s your sewing experience like?

I really started sewing 4 year ago, in a sewing club in my village. The teacher was fantastic, she taught me the way I wanted: how to finish a project faster in the beginning, and how to make nice completions when I got more patient.

I like to listen to music when I sew. It’s one of the rare moment it is possible for me, I can’t when I’m studying or reading. And I can’t just listen to music while doing nothing!

I can sew anytime of the day! During holidays, I could sew all day long ! But at night I have to stop at the first mistake, I learned that when I’m tired, I become a disastrous seamstress!

7. What is your dream sewing project?

The day I get married, I want to make my wedding dress. I don’t really imagine it right now, but that definitely is my dream project!

8. How long have you been a member of BurdaStyle?

I’ve been a member of BurdaStyle for 2 years and a half. I love how inspiring this website is, and how nice all the members are. It really pushes me forward to create and sew ! I visit everyday whenever it’s possible, I try to see every creation.

9. What is the most frustrating thing about sewing for you? What is the most rewarding?

The most frustrating thing is when I get tired and I make mistakes! Then I spend hours undoing it! Specially with knits, because I make holes in it…
The most rewarding is when I’m disappointed with a project while I’m making it, but when it’s finish it is so much better than what I expected! It happens quite often, and the most amazing was my “Look at me, GrandPa!” dress. I thought it would be the worse dress ever, I could never wear it, but in the end it’s the classier I’ve got!

Check out her top ten favorite member projects here!

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