Notes From a New Year

Lazies, Happy belated New Year. I’ve missed you! Listen, I’ve had a ton going on and haven’t had anything project-y to share. I still don’t. Today is just some notes.

Atta Boy Dad
Friday the 21st was the one year anniversary of Dad’s cancer surgery. It’s a huge milestone: cancer-free for one year! And, it’s been quite a year at that. Thank you for your concern, prayers, inquiries and support. It means the world to me and my family.

Dad is what we in our family call a Weingartner. Otherwise known as both my maiden name and the stubborn side of the family. The other side is plenty well-rooted, too, but I think it pales in comparison.

Dad’s stubbornness is combined with a healthy dose of smarts and resolve. As it pertains to this situation, Dad has studied and done absolutely everything all of his docs have recommended all year. I know I can’t say that for myself. Dad is even continuing the special diet my sis Jean and I put together for him which keeps him radiant and fabulous. Dad, you make me proud every day. Special shout-out to Mom for being the work-a-day support for all things Dad. Atta girl Mom!

Here’s my post from last year about Dad and the hospital gowns I made for him.

Notes From My Desk
I’ve been working on some special projects since October and I can’t tell you anything about any of them…yet. I know, terrible of me. I’m sorry. But, I’ll announce the first one in the next few weeks. The others are a bit longer term, and I’ll keep you posted when I can.

I have several new patterns in the works for introduction before or at Spring Quilt Market in Salt Lake City in May. I cannot wait to get these new Girls into production.

I’ll be out of the office next week, so look for my next post mid-February.


Print This Lazy Post Print This Lazy Post This entry was posted on January 24th, 2011 under Potpourri.
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