Scenes from the studio

We recently rearranged the studio to make room for the massive plotter that we use for printing test patterns (it had previously lived in my basement at home because we didn’t think there was room for it). Now we can print easily, and I am loving the new furniture arrangement! I have Caitlin to thank mostly, because she planned it all out. As you may recall, our studio is an odd wedge shape, with a wall of factory windows running the whole length, providing tons of natural light.

Above is the little sofa, of course! I sometimes sit there to work, but more often my coat and bag gets thrown on it. We need to get some coat hooks.

That’s the plotter. It’s really big.

The sewing table, with our trusty Bernina and the rarely-used serger. Above it are clipboards with notes, swatches, and ideas that are brewing. To the left is the ironing board, and to the left of that would be the cutting table (out of frame). To the right of the table are some stacked milk crates, which house storage boxes of vintage patterns, and our “music system” (small speakers and the world’s oldest ipod. I think you could call it vintage by now).

This is my desk. I love having it in front of the window now, even though it’s been quite sunny lately and I’m constantly adjusting the blinds. The evening sunsets are gorgeous, and I love watching them while I work.

Mugs for tea! One for Rachel, one for me, one for Caitlin.

This is a hand pulled silkscreen my talented sister made. And me!

I hope you enjoyed the little tour. I’m hoping to bring more behind the scenes looks and updates on what we’re up to in the future, if you all are interested. Is it fun to see what we’re doing day-to-day once in a while?

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