Featured Member: tinybows


Where are you from and/or where do you live?

I was born and raised in California. I moved to Montana when I was 17, where I went to college at the University Montana Western. I moved to Philadelphia two years ago, and I reside in the area currently. Right now I am working on going back to finish my education. I was a fine arts major at UMW, but I took some time off to decide what I really want to do. My main focus is in photography, and in Philly there are so many amazing schools that specialize in the arts. I’m looking into going to Moore right now.

How did you start sewing?

My mom was the main influence for my love of sewing. She would make my Halloween costumes every year, and they were absolutely amazing works of art. She took me to my first sewing lesson at JoAnn’s fabrics when I was about eight years old. They made us make these really terrible hot pink Hawaiin print cross-backed tank tops and matching shorts that nobody in their right mind would ever wear in public, even a fashion conscious eight year old. By the time I hit middle school, I started going to sewing classes better suited for me, because it was more like a sewing circle where you could make whatever you wanted, and have help if you needed it. I probably spent a good part of the summer before 8th grade perfecting how to make miniskirts.

Teensie tiny tinybows!

3. Describe your personal style in 5 words or less

Oh my…I’d say that my personal style is eclectic, vintage, heavy-metal, kitschy and carnivalesque.

4. Where do you get inspired? Do you have a style icon?

David Bowie. I love his unique and crazy flair for fashion. I also love Marlo Thomas when she was in the show That Girl. I pretty much sit there watching the show and drooling over all the clothes she wears because they’re pretty much my dream wardrobe. I also get very inspired by John Water’s films, Victorian era fashion, combat boots, Mystery Train, ukuleles, photography, Blythe dolls, Ghost World… Basically all the things I love serve as inspiration. When I need an extra boost, I usually turn to music. Within a ten minute span I’ll go from doom/sludge/grindcore right to dancing around to Patience & Prudence. And then I go and sew a pretty punk rock party dress to wear with my combat boots. I like to mix things that are very opposite, but somehow come together to work very well.

Tinybow’s eclectic Inspiration

5. What time of year do you find yourself most creative?

My creativity tends to peak the most in the winter. Summer is too distracting. There are bikes to ride, places to explore, pictures to be taken. Winter is perfect for sewing and being creative in general. Besides, it’s so lovely outside, why not draw from that?

6. What’s your sewing experience like?

I finally moved into a decent sized apartment, so I finally have room to sew! It’s terribly exciting. I like to set up my little portable record player whenever I sew since it really gets me going. Lately, my sewing soundtrack has been a lot of Nancy Sinatra and Gary Numan. I sew in my dining room since it rarely gets used for dining. It has all these cute little nooks to stash sewing supplies in! I usually tend to sew in the afternoon. Sometimes I go on crazy coffee benders with the sheer notion that I will finish a project while catching up on Doctor Who at three in the morning. You never really know when I’m going to be sewing next.

Her sewing nook

What is your dream sewing project?

I would like to get around to making myself this coat I saw on That Girl. It’s orange and white and closes with this cute little bow. I dream about that coat nightly. I love bows so much.

How long have you been a member of BurdaStyle?

I joined on June 15, 2010. I was searching for some kind of sewing community when uninspired and came across BurdaStyle in the process. I adore this site. I love that you can share your projects and look at what other people are doing. It’s a very cool process. And it’s really nice to get feedback on all of your hard work. I also love that you can check out techniques and fun projects that the site has to offer. I probably visit the site oh…maybe at least 7087098709487042 times a day? It rivals with how many times I check my Facebook. And that’s quite a lot.

Champagne at Midnight Dress and Inspiration

What is the most frustrating thing about sewing for you? What is the most rewarding?

I really have troubles getting things to fit properly the first few times. Luckily, I got a new dress form for Christmas to replace my old one I made out of duct tape and an old Belle and Sebastian tshirt. I’m pretty sure that thing was eating my pins. I also have always hated cutting out patterns. It’s the biggest mess! There is literally paper everywhere and folding them back into the envelope? Forget about it. I ended up putting all my used pattern pieces in those huge freezer baggies to avoid having to struggle. The most rewarding aspect of sewing is getting to wear my creations! It’s so cool to wear clothing that you made yourself. I’m pretty punk rock when it comes to fashion. If you can’t make it yourself or buy it at a thrift store and make it your own, why bother? I also love the support I get from my friends. I’ve already got people wanting custom made dresses, and that’s a treat!

See tinybow’s Top Ten member project slideshow

Go shopping on her Etsy shop!
Check out her awesome blog!

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